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Messages from the Dean
Read communications from the dean of students below.
Latest Communications
Friday, December 20, 2024
Carnegie Mellon’s Bi-Annual Hazing Report
In accordance with Pennsylvania’s Timothy J. Piazza Antihazing Law, Carnegie Mellon University files a biannual report of hazing violations that have occurred over the previous five years. Carnegie Mellon has filed its December 2024 report.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Student Affairs Support Throughout Winter Break 2024-2025
While university offices will be closed beginning at 5 p.m. on Friday, December 20, until Thursday, January 2, at 8:30 a.m., Student Affairs staff members are always available to provide support should you need assistance.
Wednesday, October 02, 2024
National Voter Education Week Begins October 7
We write today to underscore the responsibility for all eligible CMU community members to register and make a plan to vote in the November 5 election.
Friday, September 13, 2024
Annual Alcohol & Drug Guide
The university takes seriously its obligation to ensure community members understand local law and the university’s policies and expectations regarding alcohol and other drugs. The university's annual alcohol and drug brochure is now available online.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Information and Resources to Support Community Standards
As we begin a new academic year, we look forward to opportunities to engage and connect with each other throughout the semester. As Tartans, we share both the privileges and responsibilities that come with being a part of this special community.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Carnegie Mellon’s Bi-Annual Hazing Report
In accordance with Pennsylvania’s Timothy J. Piazza Antihazing Law, Carnegie Mellon University files a biannual report of hazing violations that have occurred over the previous five years. Carnegie Mellon has filed its July 2024 report, which is now available on the CMU Police Statistics and Reports website alongside past reports.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Carnegie Mellon’s Bi-Annual Hazing Report
In accordance with Pennsylvania’s Timothy J. Piazza Antihazing Law, Carnegie Mellon University files a bi-annual report of hazing violations that have occurred over the previous five years. Carnegie Mellon has filed its December 2023 report. The current hazing report, as well as hazing reports for past reporting periods, are available on the CMU Police reports website.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Student Affairs Support Throughout Winter Break 2023-24
While university offices will be closed beginning at 5 p.m. on Friday, December 22, until Wednesday, January 3, at 8:30 a.m., Student Affairs staff members are always available to provide support should you need assistance. In this message you will find information on how to reach us while the university is closed along with various opportunities for engagement and connection between now and the start of the spring semester.
Friday, November 03, 2023
Supporting Our Community with Compassion
Today, we write to echo the sentiments in President Farnam Jahanian’s recent community messages related to the war in Israel and Gaza. While it is impossible to comment on every heartbreaking development in this conflict, we recognize that many members of our community are hurting and afraid.
Friday, October 13, 2023
Voter Registration and Democracy Day
We write today to underscore the responsibility for all eligible CMU community members to register and make a plan to vote in the upcoming November election. Voting is an impactful method to communicate your priorities and values to elected officials at the local, state and national levels.
Thursday, October 05, 2023
Announcing an Increased Minimum Doctoral Stipend
Building on our continued initiatives to provide holistic doctoral student support, we are pleased to share that the minimum stipend for doctoral students will be increased to $2,500 per month, or $30,000 annually, for 12-month programs.
Thursday, September 07, 2023
Annual Alcohol & Drug Guide
The university takes seriously its obligation to ensure community members understand local law and the university’s policies and expectations regarding alcohol and other drugs. The university's annual alcohol and drug brochure is now available online.
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Academic Integrity Policy Reminder
Carnegie Mellon has always been a first mover in the AI space and remains deeply engaged in shaping the future of these technologies and their uses. We want to take a moment to call attention to the rapidly evolving role of generative AI and its place in higher education, especially in relation to academic integrity.
Monday, August 28, 2023
Student Handbook 2023-2024
The Word student handbook contains information and resources to help you create your Carnegie Mellon experience and embrace your role as a valued member of our university.
Friday, April 07, 2023
Receive CMU Gear: Complete Your Tartan VOICES 2023 Survey Today
As a reminder, we invite you to complete the Tartan VOICES 2023 survey today to help leadership better understand student experiences related to individual sense of belonging as well as the diversity and inclusion of the campus environment.
Friday, March 24, 2023
Share Your Voice: Belonging, Diversity and Inclusion at CMU
In partnership with the Office of Institutional Research and Analysis, which periodically surveys the student body, we invite you to participate in Tartan VOICES 2023: Our community. Our experience. Our voice.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Parental Accommodations for Doctoral Students
CMU announces a Parental Accommodation Program developed in partnership with the Graduate Student Assembly. This new program goes into effect on January 1, 2023.
Monday, December 19, 2022
Upcoming Opportunities to Share Feedback on Your Student Experience
We are pleased to announce upcoming opportunities for you to share your feedback as a CMU student. As we continue to invest in enhancing the CMU experience in which students are supported to learn and thrive, your perspective is critical for informing our strategies and practices.
Friday, December 16, 2022
Student Affairs Support Throughout Winter Break
Although university offices will be closed from December 23rd through January 2nd, Student Affairs staff members are always available to provide support should you need assistance.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Fence Defaced in Violation of Student Government Policy
The Fence recently painted by the Carnegie Mellon College Republicans was defaced in violation of Student Government’s Graffiti and Poster Policy. The tradition of the Fence is a long-standing hallmark of Carnegie Mellon’s culture, and it serves as a student-governed embodiment of our commitment to free expression and a spark for constructive engagement on campus.
Friday, November 04, 2022
Increase to Student Minimum Wage and Hourly Grader/Hourly TA Minimum Rates
Effective November 7, 2022, Carnegie Mellon University is enacting an updated student minimum wage. The CMU student minimum wage for hourly positions will be increased from the current USD wage of $8.25/hour to $10.00/hour.
Friday, November 04, 2022
Election Day 2023
Tuesday, November 8 is Election Day, and we encourage all eligible CMU community members to make plans to vote. Exercising our right to vote is one of the most impactful ways we can engage in our democracy. Your voice matters.
Wednesday, November 02, 2022
Office for Institutional Equity & Title IX Expansion
Carnegie Mellon University’s Office of Title IX initiatives has changed its name to the Office for Institutional Equity and Title IX. The office's new name more accurately reflects its expanded mission, purpose and services as it now receives reports on discrimination beyond those that fall solely under Title IX.
Thursday, October 06, 2022
Resources and Support for Those Impacted by Unfolding Crisis in Iran
Reports of peaceful protests in Iran being met with violence, especially in a university setting, are deeply troubling to the higher education community. We are writing to offer our compassion and support to all of those being affected by this violence and by the widespread unrest following the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, and to encourage anyone who might benefit to connect with university resources available to you.
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